MedEDportal is calling medical students, residents, or faculty whose work focuses on improving equitable language-appropriate healthcare or medical language education! MOLA’s Immediate-Past President, Dr. Pilar Ortega, is one of the Collection Editors for the call. According to Dr. Ortega, “seeking submissions that feature non-English language curricular content is an exciting and innovative step for a US-based medical education journal and speaks to the growing acknowledgement of the value of linguistic diversity and patient-centered communication strategies within health equity initiatives.”
Call for Submissions: Language-Appropriate Health Care and Medical Language Education Collection
Language is the principal tool that clinicians use in providing health care. Populations with non-English language preferences are more likely to experience health inequities compared to English-speaking patients. Additionally, the standard use of language in health care communication may be ineffective for patients with sensory or cognitive impairments. MedEdPORTAL invites submissions with a focus on equitable language-appropriate healthcare and medical language education.
This collection provides educators with practice-based, peer-reviewed resources to teach
Language-concordant clinical and communication skills relevant to specific populations with NELP (e.g., medical Spanish, medical Korean, or other focused medical language educational interventions),
Clinical strategies to effectively communicate with patients who have conditions affecting sensory or cognitive function (e.g., deafness, visual impairment, aphasia, autism), and
Knowledge and clinical skills needed to access and collaborate with medical interpreters and other health care team members (e.g., patient navigators, community health workers, etc.) who can enhance language-appropriate care.
The collection is represented by two collection editors, Pilar Ortega MD, MGM, and Débora Silva-Díaz, MD, M.Ed. Read about the collection, including featured publications, here: www.mededportal.org/language
In addition, read our updated author guidance on appendices in a non-English language here: www.mededportal.org/authorcenter