From the president’s desk

MOLA Welcomes Dr. Monica Bianco

Dr. Bianco is an assistant professor at Northwestern Feinberg School of Medicine and an attending physician at Lurie Children’s Hospital in Pediatric Endocrinology. She received her MD from Loyola Stritch School of Medicine where she also completed her pediatric residency. She then completed a pediatric endocrinology fellowship at Northwestern University/Lurie Children’s Hospital.

Dr. Bianco’s faculty appointment is primarily as a clinician investigator with a focus on the developmental origins of youth onset type 2 diabetes. Her research is supported by institutional and NIH grants. She is also involved in advocacy to improve healthcare for underserved communities and increase the representation of underrepresented minorities in medicine.

As an early career investigator, Mónica is eager to continue and expand her mentorship with medical students, residents and fellows within MOLA. She aims to be not only an academic advisor but inspire those under her guidance to achieve their academic and career goals and make research part of their careers.

By: Dr. Joaquin Estrada

As we are crossing our 5-year mark, the last Medical Residency Matching season has been an attestment of the collective work of many within MOLA. This year we had a great number of MOLA members matching to residency programs all over the US. Felicitaciones! We are proud and eager to continue the work for equitable access and better representation of our Latinx healthcare professional base. Take some time to see pertinent information for our membership base and beyond and do not hesitate to share your achievements, publications, accolades and ideas. MOLA es la plataforma de desarrollo y avance de nuestros miembros.

We spoke with Dr. Bianco and here is more about her

¿Le gusta el Español?

Nací en México de familia Michoacana y Jalisciense. Vivi en Mexico parte de mi vida y me encanta comunicarme en Español

Let’s continue this interview in Spanglish: Dále

¿Por que consideró que unirse a MOLA podría hacer una diferencia en nuestra comunidad?

As one of them, I have always been interested in underrepresented minorities in medicine, and MOLA is exactly the type of platform I wanted to be part of. In the past, I had not many opportunities to live that interest, but now as an investigator, MOLA is an avenue to pursue gaining representation.

¿Qué es lo que más le emociona de convertirse en parte de MOLA? Finding the connection with other people like myself. The process for me and many like me, has been very isolated, with minimal contact and mentoring from people like me. MOLA represents a home to interact with those who share the isolation and our cultural values. In MOLA, we can be mentors and find mentors for ourselves wherever we are in our career development.

¿Cuál es la meta principal que tiene para MOLA?

My main goal is to increase interest in research and dispel the perception that you can’t make it as a researcher. We need to combat the false belief that we are not cut out for being a researcher. We should have many more Latinos in medical school.

¿Qué consejo le puede dar a los jóvenes que ven lejanas sus metas?

¡Persistence! is key. Persevere when we feel we don’t belong. Do not be dismayed when something does not work thinking it is because it wasn’t meant to be. Nocki on the door more than once, and if not open after that, go and find another door. One will eventually open.

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