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Dr. Shojanny Salazar, MD
Board Member
Dr. Shojanny Salazar is an International Medical Graduate (IMG) from Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador, Quito, Ecuador. She is currently a second-year Doctorate’s degree in Oriental Medicine and Acupuncture student at Pacific College of Oriental Medicine, Chicago, IL. Additionally, she is a volunteer in the Pediatrics Department and her current field placement is as a research volunteer assistant at University of Illinois Health (UIH).
Furthermore, serving as Co-Chair of the MOLA’s IMG committee, Dr. Salazar has played a pivotal role advocating for the IMG Latinx community and in the expansion of MOLA’s membership, retention, and institutional support of IMGs. As a member of the Board of Directors, Dr. Salazar hopes to continue her passion to address the community health issues and inequities that exist in minority communities and inspire others of the Latinx community to benefit from the organization and its platform. MOLA has given her the opportunity to work on her dream as a leader, giving back to the community and helping enhance members growth and working to develop solutions to reduce health disparities